Page 63 - Works of Art from Benin-Nigeria- West Africa
P. 63
Antique Works of Art from Benin. 53
174 and 175. the handle ornamented with lines of dots and circles.
Figs. Dagger,
The blade has an ogee section, similar to that which prevails in the Gaboon
and nearly all parts of Africa.
176 and 177. Wooden head-dress. The horizontal bar to a
Figs. appears represent
shark with mouth and tail, ornamented with carved representations of
animals and masks. Said to be from Benin, West Africa. The masks are
quite characteristic of Benin art. The eyes of the large mask are formed
of the metal bases of which it to be modern.
cartridges, proves quite It is
Fig. 183, Plate XXVII. is perhaps Jekri, see a
similar in character to It
paper by Messrs. Granville and Ling Roth in the "Journ. Anthrop. Inst.,"
Vol. I, New Series, Plate VIII, Fig. 3.