Page 104 - Works of Art from Benin-Nigeria- West Africa
P. 104

Antique   Works  of  Art  from Benin,                       87

                       333 to 335.   Round execution block     ;ind stand of wood,                carved
                 Figs.                                                               elaborately
                           with         of men and animals.     On the       is a              of
                                 figures                                 top     pointed spike    wood,
                           5 inches in        on which the head of the victim
                                      height,                                   appears  to have rested,
                           and below this on the surface at the  top  of the block are two  receptacles  for
                           the thumbs of the victim, in the form of coiled mud-fish.      The ornamen-
                           tation on the       consists of           and            filled with
                                           top              squares       triangles              parallel
                           straight  lines  alternating  in  direction, and  edged  with a circle of broken
                                               On the sides are three human            two of which are
                           guilloche pattern.                                  figures,
                                    hands                     and
                           holding         upwards, weapons        shields, and one a curved sword of
                                                 downwards.     Between these          are two boxes or
                           European form, point                                 figures
                           stools  ; there are also two human hands and other  objects  on the other side.
                           The bottom of the block   is surrounded  by  a broad  guilloche pattern  of four-
                           or five strands.  The stand   011 which the block stands   is of semicircular
                           form.   The  top  is ornamented with two animals, resembling crocodiles,
                           conforming  to the outline of the curve, and other animals and  objects.  On
                           the front of this stand  is a row of                      in the centre, of a
                                                                 objects, consisting,
                           human   figure holding something   on the abdomen, human hands, animals'
                           heads, and other   objects.   A  very  similar execution  block, but without
                           stand, is shown in  Figs.  258 to 260, Plate XXXIV.    The barbarous  carving
                           and ornamentation    of such   gruesome objects   is  quite  characteristic of
                           Benin art.
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