Page 92 - Works of Art from Benin-Nigeria- West Africa
P. 92
76 Antique Works of Art from tienin.
289. Bronze a human head with combbd hair.
Fig. plaque, representing straight
Aquiline nose, moustache and beard; not of negro type. The ground
ornamented with the usual leaf ornament.
290. Bronze with fruit ribbed. Raised rosettes and the
Fig. plaque, pendant
usual leaf ornament on field incised.
291. Bronze or brass full an unknown
Fig. plaque. Figure, length; implement
upheld in right hand, and an execution sword held horizontally in left hand.
Three tribal marks over each The dress ornamented with human
heads, halmoons, and floral ornaments incised. Ground ornamented with
the usual ornament.
292. Bronze A female with
Fig. segis. pointed head-dress, and coral choker, badge
of rank a sistrum with a rod. with lead.
It is
; striking
293 and 294. Bronze a
Figs. statuette, representing negro figure holding a so-called
key in the left hand. The figure has three tribal marks over each eye, and
three lines from the corners of the mouth.
radiating branching The pupils
of the
eyes are inlaid with iron. A cross on the breast hanging from the
neck by a cord. No coral choker, but a necklace perhaps of coral or agate.
A hat with a narrow
pot straight brim. This figure exactly resembles
No. 90. The ears are formed. No hair is shown.
very rudely The face
is and the nose broad and
very prognathous flat, not aquiline. The skirt is
only slightly hooked up.