Page 86 - Works of Art from Benin-Nigeria- West Africa
P. 86
Works Art Benin.
72 Antique of from
the handle carved as links of a chain, with a
272 to 274. Wooden comb, figure
at top.
275. Small iron knife or bill-hook ; the edge on the convex side ; with brass
handle terminating in a pommel representing a human hand.
276. Bronze Two interlaced mud-fish. This perhaps shows the origin
Fig. aegis.
of the oval hole sometimes found
on some of the see
objects, Fig. 141,
Plate XXIII, and 158, Plate
XXV. This has a broad leaf-
sword incised on the back
of it, as shown in the annexed
woodcut. These engravings are
and seem to denote a
badge or mark, perhaps of owner-
of some kind. The is
ship aegis
edged with eyelets, probably for
similar to
suspending crotals, Fig.
112, Plate XIX, and Figs. 126 and
127, Plate XXI. HACK VIEW.
277 and 278. Head carved in hard wood. The coral choker, the band round
the head-dress, the feather on left side and the base are covered
with thin brass or bronze. Apparently intended to represent a cast metal
head. Whether this is the case, or whether it is earlier than the intro-
duction of metal it is difficult to The face and the
casting, say. only top
of the head-dress are left uncovered with metal. The top of the head-
dress a reticulated head-dress of like No. 121. The
represents agate, pupils
of the and the three tribal marks over each are of darker wood
eyes eye
let in. There is a bronze band of metal the forehead and nose. A
of bronze-headed nails surrounds each There is a broad
ring eye. hanging
band on each side of the face, covered with thin metal and surmounted