Page 29 - Works of Art from Benin-Nigeria- West Africa
P. 29
24 Antique Works of Art from Benin.
73 to 75. Three brass bells. 73 has a head in relief on
Figs. triangular Fig. negro
the front and fish-scale pattern.
74 has the nose and mouth of a human face
Fig. eyes, only.
75 has a in of a face.
Fig. spiral place
Figs. 76 to 78. Sistrum in brass, representing two cups, the lower one ornamented
with a figure holding a ball. The upper figures on each side represent
a king with the arms upheld by attendants on both sides ; on one side
the attendants are A hand a or book is
kneeling. holding plaque
on each side. Crotals are attached to the sistrum on both
sides. A stand in form of a socket to fit a and a band ornamented
with interlaced strap-work. This object appears certainly to be a sistrum,
as human are shown in some of the them in their
figures plaques holding
hands and them with a rod to a sound. A similar
striking produce
instrument in iron, modern, is figured by Mr. Ling Roth, in The
Vol. IV, 1898, p. 165, from the Yoruba
Reliquary," country.