Page 120 - Works of Art from Benin-Nigeria- West Africa
P. 120
100 Antique Works of Art from Benin.
390 and 391. metal bell. On one side is' a human face in relief, with
Figs. Large
snakes from the nostrils. Each of the two snakes a mud
issuing grasps
or cat fish in its The ears from the sides of the head-dress,
jaws. project
and the neck has a frill consisting of a double row of perforated circles.
The handle has an incised herring-bone ornamentation. Projecting from
the sides of the bell are knobs. The base and crown of the bell have
a border of work of bell, 10 inches.
strap- pattern. Height
392 and 393. Carved wooden head, which have been a mask.
Figs. may Represents
the head of a negro ; it is hollow, and may have been intended for a mask,
as there are open slits underneath each eye. The hair is represented by
incised reticulated lines. The three black lines over the eyes represent
cicatrices. The lower of the face is rounded, and the chin not marked.
Height, 13 inches.