Africa is the second largest continent (30,244,049 square km) after Asia.
There are 54 countries in Africa and a total population of 1.22Billion.

The potentials and resources to change Africa for the betterment of all her citizens are readily available within Africa.

We have to change our mindset now, stop playing the poor but embrace good Leadership/ Management and eliminate corruption, injustice, inequality, and poverty . And most importantly, invest heavily in Education.

Let’s rise up as a people, work rigorously and selflessly towards the common goal of leaving behind for our future generation, a dream fulfilling Africa.

It is our duty to start again to love Africa, build Africa and save Africa.
We derailed too long ago from the good paths, struggles and teachings of our founding fathers.

If we return to that African love and unity I felt as a child coupled with hard work and perseverance, we still can move mountains.

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